Android Mobile

 android mobile
Android is a smartphone operating system (OS) developed by Google . Andoid phone is a powerful high-tech smartphone that runs on the Android operating system . OS  used by a variety of mobile phone manufacturers including Motorola, HTC and Sony Ericsson. Here are some key features of Android Mobile :
·         Option for multitasking of applications, with unique handling of memory allocation  is available.
·         TV recording
·         Voice based features for calling , texting , navigation etc.
·         Multi-touch option
·         Screen capture by screenshot.
Some of the best Android Phones are :
·         Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro
·         Micromax Canvas Juice 4G
·         Samsung Galaxy Feel
·         Essential Phone
·         Huawei Nova 2 Plus

·         Ziox Astra VIVA 4G


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